Tag / Unions

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  • Collective Bargaining is Not a Spectator Sport

    BY SAMUEL KLEIN Nobody likes a lockout. Not the fans, not the players, not the owners, and not the countless workers and members of the media who rely on professional athletic events taking place as scheduled. So why are there so many lockouts, and why do they last so long? The numbers stack up quickly.…

  • The Beginning of the End of the Middle: An S.O.S. from the Middle Class

    BY HANNAH WALDMAN “It’s not that we don’t care, we just know that the fight ain’t fair, so we keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change,” croons John Mayer in what has become an anthem for the millen­nial generation. Let’s face it—as college stu­dents, we often shrug our shoulders at big issues, assuring…

  • Teachers: The Spoiled Victims in America

    It is hard to believe only a year and a half separates Governor Walker’s standoff with the Wisconsin teachers’ unions over collective bargaining rights and the most recent Chicago Teachers Union strike that closed Chicago Public Schools for seven days and kept 350,000 kids out of the classroom. Events like these have increasingly forced the…

  • A Wisconsinite Expat’s Take on Walker’s Victory

    I spent the past three weeks visiting my family in Madison, Wisconsin. The Democratic Party’s effort to recall Governor Scott Walker has caused my home state to shed the Upper-Midwestern niceties I had come to know. You could cut the tension in the state’s supper clubs with a knife.  I stepped into ground-zero of our…